Ckan ksp mac
Ckan ksp mac

Then launch KSP and go to the launchpad with a rocket (for instance the 2nd Training called Basic Flight).īefore taking off, you should see the folowing in the KSP.log file : You should see the built-in led turned off. Make sure that KSP is not launched when you upload the code. Open the example with the Arduino IDE, compile it and upload it to the Arduino. For this, we will use the provided example called KerbalSimpitAltitudeTrigger The next step is to check the connection from KSP to the controler. First example : receiving information from KSP ¶ You should see the File/Examples a category called Kerbal Sim Pit. Make sure that you installed the SimPit Arduino library in the library folder of Arduino. KerbalSimpit: Using serial polling thread for XXX where XXX is your port name (on Windows, it should be the same as the one set in the config file). KerbalSimpit Has put a message into the console!

ckan ksp mac

Launch KSP and check in the logs that you can see the following lines (either by opening the in-game console with Alt+F12 or by opening the file KSP/KSP.log : It is assumed for this guide that Verbose is set to True.

ckan ksp mac

The line Verbose = False should be replaced by Verbose = True to increase the level of detail written in the logs. On a Linux or a Mac, the USB port ID will look like /dev/cu.usbmodem401 OR /dev/ttyUSBO.

ckan ksp mac

It should be identical to the one used with the Arduino IDE on Windows. The line PortName = COM3 should be updated with the correct port number. Open the configuration file KSP/GameData/KerbalSimpit/PluginData/Settings.cfg You should see a KerbalSimpit folder if SimPit is installed (else, install it with CKAN). Troubleshooting Guide ¶ First check : mod installation and configuration ¶

Ckan ksp mac