Darkest dungeon op team
Darkest dungeon op team

darkest dungeon op team

Allies struggling to keep their blood inside them? Battlefield Medicine will pick them up. Being attacked at range by artillery-focused foes? Trigger Blinding Gas to cripple their accuracy. Opposition got their own healers? Throw poison at the back two ranks. Big enemy? Blight them and watch their health drain. Frankly, adventuring without a Plague Doctor feels ridiculous, as their extreme versatility means they have something for every situation. Strategy: The Plague Doctor is your main support class, healing allies of both damage and afflictions while lobbing toxic explosives at the enemy that Blight and Blind them.

darkest dungeon op team

Pros: Healing, status cures, status afflictions, ranged attacksĬons: Low health, poor front row fighter, does damage over time rather than quicklyĬould be replaced by: Occultist, but not really - the Plague Doctor's too good to swap out

Darkest dungeon op team