Fallout shelter pc cant build weapon workshop
Fallout shelter pc cant build weapon workshop

fallout shelter pc cant build weapon workshop

After the tutorial where you build the power plant, it tells you to select a dweller to assign to the power plant but the dweller may not be selectable.Objectives cannot be removed each day on Android Lollipop version.Sometimes deselecting a room or a dweller will not change the interface, the interface will remain until you select and deselect another dweller or room.Frequently moving dwellers around causes some major kind of performance leak, along with doing just about everything else.Often the game will crash when using the room assignment list to assign dwellers to rooms. The game crashes when heavily using the room assignment list.Tasks randomly stop counting towards objective completion when returning to the game after a crash or even after a proper exit.When exploring locations in the 1.6 update, all of your objective progress will be erased.To fix this issue, open the game options and set CAM SENS to 0% and Turn-Off HD ZOOM OUT.Lag spikes can become unbearable after less than 10 minutes of heavy activity, so bad as to even make quitting the game difficult. Crippling performance issues and performance leaks with any action.Handy dies when you're zoomed into a room the whole screen is going to stay with a white layer on top. Handy is sent to the wasteland when on low health, he duplicates and a copy is in the game permanently.

fallout shelter pc cant build weapon workshop

If a deathclaw attack starts while having a new dweller from the wasteland outside, the "Survive deathclaw attacks with no casualties" objective will not advance.This seems to happen anytime an external sound is played, you can avoid this by setting your phone to vibrate or silent while the app is running.If you get a notification (email, Message, etc.) the sound will turn off and remain off until the game is restarted.

Fallout shelter pc cant build weapon workshop