I3 wm
I3 wm

I found the experience painful and I almost quit before I had even started. I didn't, I actually hated it at first, and I didn't get why anyone would use a tilling window manager. The person who recommending i3 to me promised that it would increase my productivity and that I would love it. I was recommended i3 during a chat with two friends about different GNU/Linux desktop solutions. However, as everything is customizable, you can change that to anything you like. Window movement is controlled by the addition of the Shift key.

i3 wm

By default, window focus is controlled by the Mod (Alt key or Win key) plus the right hand home row keys J, K and L. i3 uses a control system very similar to vi. It uses a plain text file for configuration. It supports tiling, stacking, and tabbing layouts, which it handles dynamically.

i3 wm

I3 is a tiling window manager written in C. You can look further down in the tutorial at the screenshots in order to determine if you like the results. In this part we're going to install i3 and rice it bit. | about | faq | resources | contact | rss How to setup FreeBSD with a riced desktop - part 3 - i3

i3 wm

How to setup FreeBSD with a riced desktop - part 3 - i3

I3 wm